Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Adopt a Healthy Life Style: diet and exercise are the greatest tool towards achieving physical and mental fitness. No one else can take care of your body the way you can do it yourself. The simple habits you practice everyday can determine your future health status. The best time to act is now, make a plan and put it into action; plan your diet (amount & content per meal/day), plan your time, make sure you set aside specific time on certain days every week. Evaluate your achievement by taking weight & height every month, calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) this will help you to know where you are and where you want to be. Remember that ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD, avoid taking fast food on daily basis no matter how sweet and delicious they are, avoid too much oily food,too much sugar & salt in your diet.
GO GREEN, make sure you take enough fruits and vegetables on daily basis.


English formula:
BMI = (weight in pounds/ (height in inches x height in inches) ) X 703

Metric formula:
BMI = (weight in kg / (height in meters x height in meters)

Is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women
Underweight:   <18.5
Normal weight:  18.5 - 24.9
Over weight:  25 - 29.9
Obesity:  30 - 35
Morbid obesity: >35

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