Sunday, January 26, 2014


  1. A Doctors poem :

    Welcome my dear patient, confide in me your suffering..

    My decades of long study, and my hard exhaustive training, Is always at your service, but understand this, my friend,

    I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.

    My sleep at night, I give up, and my time with
    my family too,...

    I sacrifice my own health sometimes, in order
    to heal you,

    These sacrifices I don’t regret, but understand
    this, my friend,.

    That I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.

    I shall treat your illness, every night and day,
    But will you get well by it? I confess, I cannot
    say, “What do you mean?” You ask, and my answer is, my friend,

    That I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.
    You may get better, your health, vigour
    renewed, Your eyes will then be filled...with tears of gratitude.

    I do not deserve those tears; please offer them to God,

    For I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.

    I merely give you medicine, as my Teaching
    would tell me to, But God is really the One who restores health back to you.

    He deserves the credit, please understand this, my friend,

    That I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.
    The same medicine that healed you may also
    sadly unexpectedly, without warning, cause the death of another, It’s all Destiny and God’s will, and that’s the truth, my friend,

    That I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.
    Illness, health, life and death, are decided by
    Fate, you see,

    They cannot be guaranteed, neither by you, nor me.

    As your well-wishing doctor, I can only try my
    best, For I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.

    So shower me, my dear patient, neither with
    praise nor hatred, Try to understand and remember, this cardinal truth instead,

    I am a human being like you, imperfect and
    mortal, I am not God...but neither am I the Devil.

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